Now get all your Postal and bank barcode labeling needs with easy to use Post Office and Bank Barcode Label Maker Software. Provides real time help for Post offices and banking sector to easily fulfills entire business bar-coding needs as providing complete labeling solutions in simplified way.
Barcode generator software now design and print barcode labels with use of Linear and 2D barcode fonts with usage in postal department and banking sector barcode needs. Simple and easy to bar code software does not require any expert guidance or technical skills to operate it. Company provides well advanced methodology to design and generate superior quality linear and 2 d bar code images, graphics, stickers, tags without any external help required.
Click on the highlighted icon and set the Front card Text Properties like Text Value, Text Back Color and Text Frame.
In Quick Barcode Mode you can add any custom shape on your card according to your need.
Barcode Software for Post Office and Banks provides you to change the barcode type, barcode font and Measurement Unit using Barcode Properties Wizard.
Now, you can printed your Barcode and change the page margins and orientation as per needs in the Print Wizard.
Linear Barcode Font Standards: Code 11, Code 128, Code 128 SET A, Code 128 SET B, Code 128 SET C, Code 39, Code 93, Code 39 Full ASCII, ITF-14, LOGMARS, Planet, Postnet, USPS Sack Label, USPS Tray Label, USS-93
2D Barcode Font Standards: MaxiCode, MICR